Sunday, December 31, 2017

New project - Work in progress

While rearranging old notebooks I found an outline for idea that I hadn't previously found time to initiate, so this being the holiday period I spent a morning to kick-start the project and move it along a little bit.

The final incarnation of the piece depends entirely upon what I find on the beach and so this process of selection may take a while. For this particular piece I am in no hurry so I can take my time and ensure that the selection of the elements is appropriate.

The underlying aim is an attempt to push my landscape drawing into a more physical, sculptural manifestation.

Below I have attached two photos of the selection process on the beach:

31.12.2017 - Tai Kwan Wan, Cheung Chau Island, Hong Kong

31.12.2017 - Tai Kwan Wan, Cheung Chau Island, Hong Kong